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Slow Speeds

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I'm experiencing speeds that are about 25% of my available ISP bandwidth. I'm currently allotted 22 Mbps from my ISP and without AirVPN, usually achieve speeds around 2.7 MBps. With AirVPN configured on my router, I'm only able to get speeds around 600 KBps. I know there will be some speed loss but this seems excessive so I'm wondering If I'm missing something in my setup.

I'm connecting via my router to the Sirius server. I've tried connecting via all three available ports as well as over both tcp and udp. I've also tried mixing it up a little and have tried connecting to other servers, all of which have the same outcome, slow speeds.

Here are my settings on my asus router with tomatousb installed:

Interface Type: TUN

Protocol: TCP

Server Address/Port: ###.###.###.### : 80

Firewall: Automatic

Authorization Mode: TLS

Extra HMAC authorization (tls-auth): Disabled

Create NAT on tunnel: Enabled

Poll Interval: 0 (in minutes, 0 to disable)

Redirect Internet traffic: Enabled

Accept DNS configuration: Exclusive

Encryption cipher: AES-256-CBC

Compression: Enabled

TLS Renegotiation Time: -1 (in seconds, -1 for default)

Connection retry: 30 (in seconds; -1 for infinite)

Custom Configuration: (this area is blank, there is no custom configuration parameters in place)

I then have the iptables info added to Administration>>Scripts>>Firewall and have set the appropriate DNS server under the basic settings for the LAN.

Any ideas or suggestions to help speed things up? I purchased a one month plan to test things out and would like to commit to a year, but would like to achieve speeds that are a little closer to what my ISP offers me.

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We pick datacenters with PoP directly connected to tier1 and tier2 providers, including, in Europe, the "big 4".

We're afraid that if your ISP peering is not good, or your ISP is anyway connected to tier3 providers or worse, there's unfortunately nothing that can be done to improve speed. See also the FAQ for further explanations.

Just in case your ISP caps certain ports, make sure you have tested also port 53 TCP, port 80 TCP and port 53 UDP.

Kind regards

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I'll tell you right now that AirVPN's US servers are roughly on par with other VPN services I've tried. Which makes sense since they use top tier servers and connections such as LeaseWeb.

I know there lots of factors that can affect VPN performance. It could be that your router just isn't fast enough to encrypt/decrypt OpenVPN's 256 bit encryption. When I was using VPN services that offer all three major VPN protocols, PPTP was the fastest, L2PT/IPSec was the second fastest, OpenVPN was slowest. I figure it has to do with strength of encryption. Other factors could be that you need to retune your MTU setting.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it probably isn't AirVPN's fault and you may experience the same with other VPN providers. This is just my unprofessional opinion.

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