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DNS lookup failures until I reset ethernet adapter

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I am using AirVPN on Windows.  When moving to a new location (e.g. between home and work), the AirVPN client automatically re-connects, but all DNS lookups fail.  Example output from nslookup:


DNS request timed out.
    timeout was 2 seconds.
Default Server:  UnKnown
> google.com
Server:  UnKnown
DNS request timed out.
    timeout was 2 seconds.
Sometimes, disconnecting and reconnecting to AirVPN fixes the problem, but frequently it does not.  So one thing I try is to disable and re-enable the ethernet adapter before re-connecting the AirVPN.  That usually helps, but even then, sometimes it does not.  At that point, I disconnect, then add google dns to the ethernet adapter IPv4 DNS settings, and then reconnect to AirVPN (which then removes the google dns setting).
I don't understand what is going on, and I think my "solutions" are like black magic, partly due to my poor grasp of networking.  How can I troubleshoot my connection / settings so I don't have the DNS problems (when moving locations) in the first place?

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I'm pretty sure I kept them at the default setting.  Here are the settings in that tab:


   DNS Switch mode: Automatic

   Check if the tunnel uses AirVPN DNS: checked

   DNS server list: empty, so it uses the DNS servers recommended by the VPN.

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