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Running OSX and using latest AirVPN client (eddie), and latest version of Tor Browser.


When you configure the AirVPN client to connect via TOR first then the VPN (TOR ---> VPN) and the TOR browser is configured to "censorship" mode (i.e. use obfs proxy) the VPN client does not work:


2016.05.17 19:43:52 - Tor Control authentication method: Cookie, from /Applications/TorBrowser.app/TorBrowser/Data/Tor/control_auth_cookie
W 2016.05.17 19:43:53 - Unable to communicate with Tor (Unable to find IP address of Tor first node of an established circuit.). Is Tor up and running?

However, when you connect straight to TOR network without using censorship mode the VPN works fine. 


Can you please fix. 



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VPN over Tor, i have tried it 10minutes ago and now i'm answering vpn over tor on mac 10.11.5.

Did you following https://airvpn.org/tor/? I must say that it was like easyer on debian.

I did it this way:

Open up tor and terminal - in terminal # tor --hash-password  your mac pw - Enter the output hash in your torrc config, for example

HashedControlPassword 16:851734B275BAD36760FDE881DF23C79D2D55B45962F0DE96A1BD2499CD

go to eddie and change protocal in tor and test without your pw and the test should be ok. disable network lock: Warning: not compatible with Network Lock at the moment. With pw it doesn't work. and restart

After eddie is open start tor and connect to a server in eddie - and it should work


Try and let us know please.

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Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.
John Lennon
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George Orwell

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