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Tor > AirVPN, How can I setup a Network Lock (Killswitch)

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Without a network lock would I not be more secure just using a VPN alone? because not having a kill switch when the VPN drops is a major security risk .


Yeah, you would Tor is more widely used so there's more users to go through to attempt to find you than an AirVPN server perhaps but I wouldn't quite say Tor is all that much more secure.

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There is a little sense in allowing all Tor entry nodes in the Network Lock.

Anyone can put up a Tor node and advertize it, and make users connect to it.

This doesn't mean that this node is trusted, even as a first entry hop.


For your other applications it doesn't matter if the hop is a Tor node or not, the lock

is implemented on a lower networking level of IP addresses. So your applications can

still leak traffic to this entry node, while the most dangerous applications are the ones

that send traffic in plain-text.


Tor->VPN and VPN with network lock are a little contradicting concepts.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Sorry my vocabulary is limited, which would you say is best for privacy just using a VPN and at least having network lock ? or using Tor>VPN but face the possibility on my VPN connection dropping thus giving away my location?
I know you said they are contradicting but its one or the other, unless there is another set up I could have which is easy to configure

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If you are not a TOR exit node; you are okay.

You have plenty of time to re establish the VPN and not be discovered UNLESS.......(criminal activity).

So do not leave your home for days/weeks/months/years when your computer is operating.

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There is a little sense in allowing all Tor entry nodes in the Network Lock.




it is indeed possible to make Network Lock working with AirVPN over Tor. It's currently not planned but it might be implemented in the future. Eddie already talks with Tor control to get the IP addresses of the Tor guards. This is necessary to set the proper routes and avoid the infinite route loop problem (so the user does not need any middle box). The circuit is fixed for the OpenVPN stream, so no additional problems should arise.


Kind regards

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I thought so, but it doesn't work unfortunatelly. May is it possibe to configure this by hand?



There is a little sense in allowing all Tor entry nodes in the Network Lock.




it is indeed possible to make Network Lock working with AirVPN over Tor. It's currently not planned but it might be implemented in the future. Eddie already talks with Tor control to get the IP addresses of the Tor guards. This is necessary to set the proper routes and avoid the infinite route loop problem (so the user does not need any middle box). The circuit is fixed for the OpenVPN stream, so no additional problems should arise.


Kind regards

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I thought so, but it doesn't work unfortunatelly. May is it possibe to configure this by hand?



There is a little sense in allowing all Tor entry nodes in the Network Lock.




it is indeed possible to make Network Lock working with AirVPN over Tor. It's currently not planned but it might be implemented in the future. Eddie already talks with Tor control to get the IP addresses of the Tor guards. This is necessary to set the proper routes and avoid the infinite route loop problem (so the user does not need any middle box). The circuit is fixed for the OpenVPN stream, so no additional problems should arise.


Kind regards


The main problem is getting to know the Tor guard IP address, which is known only AFTER the Tor circuit for OpenVPN has been established, therefore only after OpenVPN has connected to Tor. For this reason any Network Lock plan for OpenVPN over Tor has been momentarily canceled.


Kind regards

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This is one of the reasons that I decided on TOR over AirVpn instead.  In that model its solid and I never have to worry about a raw IP hanging me out to dry!!  Just maybe this would work for you too?  Either way its 4-5 hops leaving a significant relay tunnel to cover your "bacon"!

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There are some ways of doing it in the hacky way, for example you can block all ports on all other hosts except Air's entry servers and port 9001.

Then you have to configure Tor to use guards and entries on the alt port which is 9001 by default.

Unless there is something targeted on your device, this should be sufficient enough to serve as a decent solution against leaks.

However it's not elegant enough to integrate something like this in the official client.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Network does not currently work with Tor > Vpn. Everytime VPN drops I am completely exposed. Surely there is something that can be done ?




for me, using Tor as Proxy for Eddie and at the same time activating Network Lock works perfectly!

Can you confirm that meanwhile Network Lock even works together with Tor as Proxy?


In Network Lock Settings I have chosen "Windows Firewall (not recommended)".

As Proxy I have selected Tor.


Now, after I connect to an AirVPN VPN-Server (activating Network Lock before that) the webbrowser connection works fine.


Test 1:

When I close TorBrowser (which works as Proxy) the webbrowser cannot connect anymore.

This works as designed because without Tor it shouldnt be able to connect.


Test 2:

When I restart TorBrowser and then the AirVPN connection drops (this happens sometimes) or I simply disconnect AirVPN, then the webbrowser cannot connect anymore.

This works as designed because with activated Network Lock no connection outside AirVPN should be possible.


Can you confirm that meanwhile Network Lock even works together with Tor as Proxy?

Regards, dieter

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Tor nodes change everytime, this is quite an challenge to accomplish.

The lock is meant not to send any traffic outside trusted Air servers only.



for me, using Tor as Proxy for Eddie and at the same time activating Network Lock works perfectly!

Can you confirm that meanwhile Network Lock even works together with Tor as Proxy?


See my post before this.

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Anything with TorBrowser > that's Tor over VPN (after VPN) so has nothing to do with Network Lock which should obviously work.

You bumped a 3 years old thread about Tor before VPN which has nothing to do with your setup.



Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Anything with TorBrowser > that's Tor over VPN (after VPN) so has nothing to do with Network Lock which should obviously work.

You bumped a 3 years old thread about Tor before VPN which has nothing to do with your setup.




Hello zhang888,


Sorry for the misunderstanding. I am actually NOT talking about "Tor over VPN".


Last year I experienced that Network Lock was NOT working when I was using "VPN over Tor" (Eddie Setting "Proxy": Tor / / 9150).

I found this statement in your forum "​I believe it's known that NL doesn't work with Tor." from 2016.

And therefore I believed that Network Lock does not work with Tor as Proxy. Can you confirm this or not?


Here is the post which I found stating "​I believe it's known that NL doesn't work with Tor.":



And now I changed the Eddie-Setting "Network Lock" to "Windows Firewall (not recommended)" and now suddenly it works!

That is why I am asking: Is Network Lock supposed to work with Tor as Proxy or not?


Regards, dieterbohlen

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Network Lock is logically not meant to work with Tor>VPN, what Network Lock does is ensuring there is no traffic sent outside AirVPN infrastructure.

With Tor>VPN you always connect to a random entry guard on a random port, so the entire idea of Network Lock does not apply here.

A VM or separate router for Tor is a better approach to practically and safely use both benefits of Tor>VPN and Network Lock.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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