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PureVPN got hacked, website spreading Windows malware

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After multiple reports via the chat system. the support person claimed that this is false and everything was fine.


Virustotal mirrors:


Office malware dropper URL (blog.purevpn.com)



Office Macro dropper (.doc)



Dropped executable (Windows Password stealer Trojan)





Chat Transcript:









Now, every project can be potentially hacked. Especially if you run an outdated WordPress blog.

The important part is how do you deal with incidents when they occur. And here we have a

perfect example of complete deniability and ignorance regarding the issue.


You should be very careful if you downloaded any software from them in the past, or intend to

do so in the future.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Thanks for the info. About a year ago I acquired a lifetime subscription to their service. It took me two days to realize it was complete garbage and that I was truly an AirVPN man through and through. Shame.

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Thank you for sharing this information though I'm not a customer it is very good to know this because if they are this lax with their security they should not be trusted especially when they completely deny there are any problems despite clear evidence being supplied

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