80 Posted ... I would like to see an AirVPN server on Mars since it is obvious no one would be able to geolocate the server and be totally anonymous to not only this planet but the Universe, since we assume we already know most of what the universe is. Ooops,a problem there cos we don't know what the universe is but scientists say they do anyway and thats ok cos they are allowed to change their minds. Well, since Faraday, Newton, & Einstein et al, the recent scientists can change their minds as much as they like. <deleted, reason: sterile ad personam attacks - Staff> 3 vpn60, foxmulder and go558a83nk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post
OmniNegro 155 Posted ... Nothing matters. And unfortunately, deploying a server to Mars would cost more than the entire GDP of Earth for several years, and the ping time would be terrible. We do not even have a PC on the moon. And there is good reason for this. It would be prohibitively expensive, it would cost a 'effing fortune to make, and it would have the operational capacity to check your e-mail once a year at best. (Modern PC need a lot of power, and the moon has none to spare. Furthermore there is no atmosphere on the moon to cool the server in question if you could somehow get around the power problem. Finally ISPs are rather lacking on the Moon.) And still the chance of making a server on the moon is infinitely better than on Mars. Sorry to *Expletive Deleted* on your dreams. 1 Wolf666 reacted to this Quote Hide OmniNegro's signature Hide all signatures Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it. Share this post Link to post
OpenSourcerer 1460 Posted ... +1 for Mars. The privacy is strong with this one. Mars is not a 14 Eyes Country! Downside is latency and performance, but hey, we're all here for privacy. Right? Right? Quote Hide OpenSourcerer's signature Hide all signatures NOT AN AIRVPN TEAM MEMBER. USE TICKETS FOR PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT. LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too! Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page. Share this post Link to post
foxmulder 43 Posted ... Mark Watney could have set one up while waiting for his rescue... Quote Share this post Link to post
garmiste 2 Posted ... What, you can't wait the 5 - 30 minutes for a ping? Send your ping, go get a cup of coffee (maybe drive down to Starbucks) and then see when it comes back. Sites from Mars take a while to load anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post
zhang888 1066 Posted ... I hope to see peace on Earth before servers on Mars. 2 LZ1 and cm0s reacted to this Quote Hide zhang888's signature Hide all signatures Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees. Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted ... I hope to see peace on Earth before servers on Mars. You will never have peace on Earth or anywhere else for that matter. But you can have people (and internet!) on Mars with our current technology. The only thing stopping humanity from becoming a multi-planetary species is general apathy and deciding who will foot the bill and how much the bill will cost. While everything else will undoubtedly shape up to be the largest endeavor in human history it could still be worked out with human ingenuity, innovation and determination. So if aliens ever come just tell them that since we didn't have enough green paper we just decided to sit with our heads up our asses and burn more dead fossilized animals until the fumes heated up the planet and caused the sea to swallow the coasts and kill millions of people and leave the rest of us in the second dark age in two thousand years, long enough to stall our technological progress until a natural disaster would render the planet uninhabitable forever. Quote Share this post Link to post
air_is_nice 3 Posted ... Hawking and Dawking keep on spraying their vitriolic crap simply because they cannot find it within themselves to accept the reality that the Universe did not combust itself into existence from nothing and then that life simply sprung up from inanimate material produced from such a calamity, the calamity being something that they can't prove in the first place. Wow. Coming to a VPN forum with the usual religious crap. "The reality".. "the calamity being something that they can't prove in the first place" - Oh the irony! Quote Share this post Link to post
OmniNegro 155 Posted ... Mars is a dead planet, and despite the NASA propaganda films of late, you absolutely cannot manufacture oxygen from an infinite water device and then grow potatoes to live off of. Anyone who goes to Mars will die on Mars when their O2 runs out. And there is no way to fix that. Period. As for servers on Mars... Why bother? You can plant a server in orbit of Earth and actually use it. Mars, not so much. Quote Hide OmniNegro's signature Hide all signatures Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it. Share this post Link to post
air_is_nice 3 Posted ... I don't think OP gives a crap about the feasibility of having a Mars server. This post has very clearly an agenda. 1/5 paragraphs talk about AirVPN and a mars server. 4/5 paragraphs are about... Quote Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted ... Mars is a dead planet, and despite the NASA propaganda films of late, you absolutely cannot manufacture oxygen from an infinite water device and then grow potatoes to live off of. Anyone who goes to Mars will die on Mars when their O2 runs out. And there is no way to fix that. Period. As for servers on Mars... Why bother? You can plant a server in orbit of Earth and actually use it. Mars, not so much. By those standards the whole universe is dead and Earth is the only place we should ever concern ourselves with. That being said, if that is indefinitely true and there is no alternative and no way to live on other planets permanently than you should be very concerned. By these standards all of life has been setup for extinction and there is nothing anyone can do about it and all our knowledge regarding the universe outside Earth has been in absolute vain. Honestly, humans are too eager to give up. We seem to have forgotten that Earth use to be dead too. I'm not trying to say making Mars habitable would be a walk in the park. But i cannot help but feel that trying is more productive than figuratively digging our graves and complaining about how hard and impossible it is when we have not even put any effort into trying. We all die eventually, i would just prefer to do so knowing i did something to make the future better or inspired someone else to do so. People who give up, complain and change nothing are remembered for nothing and thus amount to nothing. On a side note: Asguardia is the first space nation, so i would certainly love an Asguardian VPN server in low earth orbit! Lets hope AirVPN survives a few more decades considering it is only less than a decade old. 1 OmniNegro reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post
OmniNegro 155 Posted ... I do not think Humans will ever manage to find a way to live anywhere but Earth. I know this irritates many people. But that is an opinion. And I would be very happy to be proven wrong. My whole point was how stupid NASA must think we are. If they showed a feasible way to get all the things needed for even a handful of Humans to live on Mars, I would be happy, despite the fact that it would likely cost the Earth GDP for several decades to manage just a handful of people off Earth right now. If you think I am just being negative, you are taking my post wrong. Do you know how much O2 you breath in a day? Do you know how much it would cost to merely move that much O2 into orbit and shoot it off to Mars? Even if you are a billionaire, it would cost more money than you will ever have. Now remember that we are talking about one single days worth of O2... I think the cost may lower at some point, but never enough to make it reasonable to actually live on Mars. Quote Hide OmniNegro's signature Hide all signatures Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it. Share this post Link to post
pj 72 Posted ... I do not think Humans will ever manage to find a way to live anywhere but Earth. I know this irritates many people. But that is an opinion. And I would be very happy to be proven wrong. My whole point was how stupid NASA must think we are. If they showed a feasible way to get all the things needed for even a handful of Humans to live on Mars, Hi, this is perhaps a consequence of Musk's "vision" and claims. NASA and other space agencies programs should not be confused with Musk's. About some of the problems in Musk's vision, I found this interview with Kim Stanley Robinson (visionary sf writer and author of the masterworks "Red Mars", "Green Mars" and "Blue Mars") nice: Mars is a dead planet, and despite the NASA propaganda films of late, you absolutely cannot manufacture oxygen from an infinite water device and then grow potatoes to live off of. Anyone who goes to Mars will die on Mars when their O2 runs out. And there is no way to fix that. Period. Of course any landing site must be picked where relevant water supplies are available (if any) and a closed, self-sustaining biological habitat, where waste is near to the minimum waste allowed by the laws of thermodynamics, must be ready (prepared in advance by previous missions). Fuel for a return travel should be already available in advance and robotically prepared by earlier missions. Missing such conditions, any mission to keep human beings living on Mars for weeks can't even be conceived. I talk about weeks because anyway the life expectancy on Mars will be very low, with cancer risk becoming huge due to exposure to ionizing radiation and low gravity effects on health that will be probably life disrupting. f you think I am just being negative, you are taking my post wrong. Do you know how much O2 you breath in a day? Do you know how much it would cost to merely move that much O2 into orbit and shoot it off to Mars? Even if you are a billionaire, it would cost more money than you will ever have. Now remember that we are talking about one single days worth of O2... True. Even if the costs to send oxygen will be zero because if you don't produce O2 on Mars directly then you can't even start thinking about a few months stay, the total costs for the project are estimated to be those you cite. Currently outside the reach of entire countries. Probably only a joint cooperation between A LOT of countries (or a huge amount of corporations) can prepare the various missions (manned and unmanned) that are strictly necessary before creating a tiny self-sustaining biological micro-cosmos under the surface. Regards,pj 1 OmniNegro reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted ... I do not think Humans will ever manage to find a way to live anywhere but Earth. I know this irritates many people. But that is an opinion. And I would be very happy to be proven wrong. My whole point was how stupid NASA must think we are. If they showed a feasible way to get all the things needed for even a handful of Humans to live on Mars, Hi, this is perhaps a consequence of Musk's "vision" and claims. NASA and other space agencies programs should not be confused with Musk's. About some of the problems in Musk's vision, I found this interview with Kim Stanley Robinson (visionary sf writer and author of the masterworks "Red Mars", "Green Mars" and "Blue Mars") nice: Mars is a dead planet, and despite the NASA propaganda films of late, you absolutely cannot manufacture oxygen from an infinite water device and then grow potatoes to live off of. Anyone who goes to Mars will die on Mars when their O2 runs out. And there is no way to fix that. Period. Of course any landing site must be picked where relevant water supplies are available (if any) and a closed, self-sustaining biological habitat, where waste is near to the minimum waste allowed by the laws of thermodynamics, must be ready (prepared in advance by previous missions). Fuel for a return travel should be already available in advance and robotically prepared by earlier missions. Missing such conditions, any mission to keep human beings living on Mars for weeks can't even be conceived. I talk about weeks because anyway the life expectancy on Mars will be very low, with cancer risk becoming huge due to exposure to ionizing radiation and low gravity effects on health that will be probably life disrupting. >f you think I am just being negative, you are taking my post wrong. Do you know how much O2 you breath in a day? Do you know how much it would cost to merely move that much O2 into orbit and shoot it off to Mars? Even if you are a billionaire, it would cost more money than you will ever have. Now remember that we are talking about one single days worth of O2... True. Even if the costs to send oxygen will be zero because if you don't produce O2 on Mars directly then you can't even start thinking about a few months stay, the total costs for the project are estimated to be those you cite. Currently outside the reach of entire countries. Probably only a joint cooperation between A LOT of countries (or a huge amount of corporations) can prepare the various missions (manned and unmanned) that are strictly necessary before creating a tiny self-sustaining biological micro-cosmos under the surface. Regards,pj Wait a minute, you honestly think that the cost for a basic first Martian settlement would cost over $100 trillion dollars? NASA is attempting to make at the very least a visitation by the mid 2030's on a budget of 0.47% of the US federal budget. To tell me that a longer trip would suddenly jump to 100% of all wealth on Earth is beyond ridiculous. As far as water is concerned, even if plans to find water on the planet fail, a single rocket could carry over 55,000 pounds or 6,586 gallons (almost the size of a pool in your backyard with a deep end of 5-6 ft). Most of which would last a very long time considering the systems on the ISS has the capability to recycle about 93% of it's water supply. The real kick to the balls comes with farming, with things such as 1kg of potatoes costing 287 liters worth of water to produce. This is a serious issue preventing the long term settlement of Mars, but it's one that someone might be able to fix in the future. Quote Share this post Link to post
pj 72 Posted ... True. Even if the costs to send oxygen will be zero because if you don't produce O2 on Mars directly then you can't even start thinking about a few months stay, the total costs for the project are estimated to be those you cite. Currently outside the reach of entire countries. Probably only a joint cooperation between A LOT of countries (or a huge amount of corporations) can prepare the various missions (manned and unmanned) that are strictly necessary before creating a tiny self-sustaining biological micro-cosmos under the surface. Regards,pj Wait a minute, you honestly think that the cost for a basic first Martian settlement would cost over $100 trillion dollars? Hi, you were not talking to me, right? Where does this 100 trillion USD come out from? Maybe some messed up quoting. Quote Share this post Link to post
greenclaydog 6 Posted ... True. Even if the costs to send oxygen will be zero because if you don't produce O2 on Mars directly then you can't even start thinking about a few months stay, the total costs for the project are estimated to be those you cite. Currently outside the reach of entire countries. Probably only a joint cooperation between A LOT of countries (or a huge amount of corporations) can prepare the various missions (manned and unmanned) that are strictly necessary before creating a tiny self-sustaining biological micro-cosmos under the surface. Regards,pj Wait a minute, you honestly think that the cost for a basic first Martian settlement would cost over $100 trillion dollars? Hi, you were not talking to me, right? Where does this 100 trillion USD come out from? Maybe some messed up quoting. My mistake. I do not think Humans will ever manage to find a way to live anywhere but Earth. I know this irritates many people. But that is an opinion. And I would be very happy to be proven wrong. My whole point was how stupid NASA must think we are. If they showed a feasible way to get all the things needed for even a handful of Humans to live on Mars, I would be happy, despite the fact that it would likely cost the Earth GDP for several decades to manage just a handful of people off Earth right now. If you think I am just being negative, you are taking my post wrong. Do you know how much O2 you breath in a day? Do you know how much it would cost to merely move that much O2 into orbit and shoot it off to Mars? Even if you are a billionaire, it would cost more money than you will ever have. Now remember that we are talking about one single days worth of O2... I think the cost may lower at some point, but never enough to make it reasonable to actually live on Mars. Quote Share this post Link to post
jean claud 45 Posted ... Servers on Mars are US based , avoid them ! Quote Share this post Link to post
rebellatio 25 Posted ... A great podcast for you geeks. What will it take to survive on Mars? Neil deGrasse Tyson interviews Andy Weir. NASA figured the odds of the total loss of the Shuttle and crew for each flight at 1/75, and a recent MIT study concluded that the first Mars One astronaut will die within 68 days after landing. 1 OmniNegro reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post
larky 40 Posted ... First it was "we want a server on the Moon!", ok, got a server on the Moon, then it was "We want a server on Venus!", ok, got a server on Venus, now its "We want a server on Mars!" For cripes sake ... can't you people ever be happy ? Quote Share this post Link to post