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Using AirVPN with Tor ALL the  time...

I am a new AirVPN client and at first I was confused while getting started had to watch a you tube tutorial. I had used Nord VPN and a couple others but ther were way to slow and sloppy.

But after using AirVPN for a couple days I think I found the best VPN for my needs. woo-hoo  This makes more sense to me.

I do have one quick question and would love feedback...

I use Tor almost everyday and now that I have AirVPN I was wondering what is the best way to use the both together. Do I download the tor bundle every time? Or is there a way to haveit preset?

What do you fellow users do and what have you found works the fastest, the most consistent and how much anonymity do you think you have if buying?not selling items from DNM?

Any feedback is much appreciated. 

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What do you mean by downloading it every time? You download it once and then download

incremental security updates when they are released, depending on your release channel (stable/alpha).


Since you are asking about how to maintain access to hidden services the VPN > Tor option is what

you need,and this is accomplished by either using the Tor daemon and configuring your app manually,

or via the bundle.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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You don't necessarily have any anonymity. I don't know what DNM is but any site you sign in to still has to know it is you! Your real IP and DNS requests are hidden but once your packets leave the exit node the data is open to the world as normal. Using https of course will give you end to end encryption but you still need to exersize due dilligence to remain anonymous - never feel you are 'safe' or unseen just because you are behind a VPN, Tor, or anything else.

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