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Not connected, Your IP:

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Starting this morning, my RPI servers started experiencing disconnects.


I have to run tcp client, since UDP on 443 seems to get messed with somehow.  Is there a fix?


Everything has been working with TCP


But suddenly,  began disconnecting and reconnecting almost immediately again and again.


Thankfully, I am sorted now.


Based on info in the forums about possible DNS hijacking, I changed my openvpn config to Canada from all North America and for greater certainty reset my iptables rules from the latest client.


Best way to do this, I found is by running the latest client on my linux laptop, exporting the rules using (as root)


>iptables-save > iptables_2016-03-12.saved


That generates a file that can be loaded on any linux box using:


>iptables-restore <iptables_2016-03-12.saved


then remembering to do:


> sudo netfilter-persistent save


This guarantees the network lock persists across reboots.


My connections have been up 40 minutes and an hour plus since then.


Anybody else notice anything?



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You posted this in "Troubleshooting and Problems" but it doesn't seem like there is anything to troubleshoot,

nor it seems like there is a problem, according to your statement:


Thankfully, I am sorted now.




My connections have been up 40 minutes and an hour plus since then.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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