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Telecommunications data retention

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maybe you've heard that our absolutely great politicians in Germany adopt a new law for Telecommunications data retention in december. Now I just want to know how much you (as a service provider) are affected by this law? Don't you have to store the data when I connected to a German server? The same with servers in the netherlands, which I prefer!


And when I read the wiki article about Telecommunications data retention I've seen that even in italy service providers have to store data. How can't this affect you?


Sorry, I'm not that well informed about all that shit with Telecommunications data retention but as everybody knows


the European Union adopted the Data Retention Directive, on "the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks and amending Directive 2002/58/EC".[10][11] It requires Member States to ensure that communications providers retain the necessary data as specified in the Directive for a period of between 6 months and 2 years

in 2006. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_data_retention#European_Union


I don't understand how you can't be affected by this as an european organisation.


Sorry for my english and keep going your great service! Love it!


Kind regards

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as everybody knows Germany Federal Constitutional Court declared the implementation of the Data Retention Directive in Germany unconstitutional in 2010, well before the CJEU declared the Directive invalid (and also retroactively invalid) with its paramount decision in April 2014. http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2014-04/cp140054en.pdf


In the very same article you linked, you must have missed the following paragraph:


On 8 April 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union declared the Directive 2006/24/EC invalid for violating fundamental rights. The Council's Legal Services have been reported to have stated in closed session that paragraph 59 of the European Court of Justice's ruling "suggests that general and blanket data retention is no longer possible"


Kind regards

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Wow, that was fast!


I apologize; I missed the paragraph.. due to my missing language and law understanding skills! My fault! At least I'm trying to understand and ask when I don't! :-D


Your post proves my impression I have about AirVPN: awesome service, incredible fast servers and an unbelievable great support! Thank you! You're absolutely worth the money!


Kind regards!

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