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Recently I re-used an old Netgear WNR3500 v2 I had lying around and put dd-wrt on.

I followed the tutorial on here and got it all working :-)


So my network at home is as followed 


*Cisco 867VAE-K9 as my VDSL router - connects to my ISP and offers DHCP for local devices.

*Netgear WNR3500 plugged into Cisco router


I use the range for my home network such that :- - ISP gateway via my CISCO - so most devices use this - VPN tunnel gateway via Netgear - so any devices to use VPN point to this gateway and also change DNS server to be VPN DNS server etc.


The Netgear's WAN port is configured to be with its gateway pointing out to the CISCO on


My initial test is as below.



17.289 Mbit/s Out,

6.271 Mbit/s In (36%),


20MB - Up: 6.585 Mbit/s Out,

3.183 Mbit/s In (48%), 

20MB - Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 20:27:45 GMT - Buffers: 20MB/20MB - Laps: 3, Time: 178.81 secs


Does this setup seem ok, I think my speed is limited by the CPU in the router or could it be I just need to try a different server etc ?


CPU Model
Broadcom BCM4716 chip rev 1  
CPU Clock
453 MHz
Thanks !!

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Router CPU. I had similar experience with a 4300, which is slightly faster than yours. Using an RT-AC87 now and my speeds nearly doubled. It uses a 1ghz dual-core. So it definitely comes down to hardware limitations with a router running DD-WRT. Remember, it not only has to process the packets, but now its encrypting and decrypting them too.

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Cool, thanks for confirming.

I best get looking for a nice router for dd-wrt or open-wrt.


I might just host a pfSense VM as I have a VMhost server I could use for that as well.

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