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ANSWERED Latest Windows 10 Build breaks OpenVPN TAP Driver?

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I'm having problems with the TAP driver since updating to the most recent build of Windows 10.


Ever since installing the latest build, the TAP Driver became inoperable and the AirVPN Client received "major timeouts".  IT tried uninstalling the drivers and client and reinstalling again, but the TAP driver install failed.  I even tried uninstalling the drivers (as administrator) and reinstalling them separately and that failed too.


Has anyone come across this problem as well?

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We confirm issues related to Windows 10 latest build (13-14 Nov 2015) and tun/tap driver installation.


On all of our tested systems we managed to solve the problem in this way:

  • make sure that Eddie client is not running
  • remove tun/tap driver via Control Panel
  • reboot the system (mandatory)
  • re-install tun/tap driver

Kind regards

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I have just upgraded to Win 10 v1511 and my AIrVPN service seems normal.


How can I tell if I need to do the fix or not. Is there an error message in the Logs tab?

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As a slight variation to your instructions, I uninstalled both (just to make sure the client didn't try to start with windows).  I then reinstalled the TAP driver separately first and then the client.  All good.  Back up and running!



Thank you so much guys!

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Update: My previous post hasn't been approved yet, nor will this but I fixed it by uninstalling the TAP Driver, making sure Eddie doesn't run on boot and then I booted into safe mode, installed and then booted back into normal Windows and it appears to be working fine.


In short:

1. Uninstall existing TAP driver

2. Shift + Reboot button

3. Start Windows in Diagnostic mode (it's pretty clear, the menu will give you options to boot into this diagnostic mode, then press 4 or something for Safe mode)

4. Install TAP driver in safe mode

5. Reboot, should now work.

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Just upgraded to Win 10 10586 - All problems gone. Installed OpenVPN and AirVPN without a hitch. Two weeks of time and hassle gone!

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i follow exactly the istructions, but i can't connect yet.

on Windows10 Pro V. 1511
Build 10586.0
Can you help me?
Thank you



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I thought that I had followed the directions above but could never get AirVPN to work.  I originally had 3 versions of TAP installed according to cmd.  I tried to uninstall TAP through cmd but even with Open VPN and AirVPN uninstalled I would still get an error when installing the TAP driver.  Maybe this should have stated in the directions above because I thought using cmd to uninstall the TAP drivers was the appropriate way.


I finally got it to work today.  I opened up Device Manager, clicked on "Network Adapters" and saw I had about 10 different occurences of TAP drivers (probably from every time I tried to reinstall).  So I right clicked on each one, clicked uninstall (I checked the box to remove software since some of the drivers had that as an option) on each driver.  I then restarted my computer.  I already had AirVPN installed, so I started it like normal.  I can't remember all of the notifications that popped up, but I do remember seeing that AirVPN was going to upgrade my TAP driver.


Now looking at Device Manager, I only have one TAP driver (  This isn't the most current one, but AirVPN works again.

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I'm getting the same thing on Win 10 Build 10586.36. The workaround in this thread fixes the issue, but It is beginning to become very annoying having to do it every day or two.


Is there a fix on the way?

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I'm getting the same thing on Win 10 Build 10586.36. The workaround in this thread fixes the issue, but It is beginning to become very annoying having to do it every day or two.


Is there a fix on the way?



Having to re-install the driver periodically is atypical. It is not what we can reproduce. It might be a different problem. Make sure that no software in your system uninstalls the driver or anyway interferes with network settings. Also scan for malware.


Kind regards

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Hi, thanks for the reply. I scanned for malware e.t.c with Malwarebytes, Eset online and Hitman pro. Nothing was found.


The only app on the Windows 10 machine that I thought may affect the network settings was Malwarebytes anti-exploit, so I've removed it.


I'll report back

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Nope, I just got the same issue again. Could it be related to the fact that I have a dual boot setup with windows 8.1?


Is there anything else I could try?

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I've just restored from a backup I made shortly after installing Win 10. Then let Windows update itself, and the problem has disappeared.


Whatever it was, it was at my end.



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Finguz are you sure the probably is gone for you? What W10 build are you on now? I hope more can be done than this temporary fix


I found a similar discussion here:



But when I follow the instructions there, what I find in regedit doesn't seem to be different. I really hope next Microsoft build fixes this, or they release a new OpenVPN release...

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Yes, it works just fine now 


I'm running Win 10 1511 Build 10586.63.

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Hi i have windows 10 on laptop that is 3 days old all ready installed etc.what version of windows 10 ??? u mean pro etc ? all i know is my laptop had it all ready installed from pc world uk thank you

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I have to do this every time i start up my computer.
It's becomming very very annoying!

Is there no permanent fix?


The driver is not uninstalled.
I have very few apps on my win10 install.
It's an upgrade from a clean win7 install.


To start the computer, then uninstall the driver, restart the computer , then install the driver and restart the computer again is a process I dont want to do every single time. :-)
I'm beginning to want to screw my privacy for this reason.
Google, facebook, NSA, ect. ect... I invite you to spy on my privacy since this TAP issue is driving me crazy!

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Did you try downgrading TAP driver to 9.9.1 ?


Check this out : https://airvpn.org/topic/16573-tap-driver-9210-causing-a-myriad-of-issues/


I haven't had the problems seen in this thread with the driver not working but I've had much slower VPN speed in Windows 10 than I did in Windows 7.   Someone else suggested downgrading to the 9.9.1 TAP driver but Windows 10 won't let you.  It gives an error message when trying to install older drivers. To get it to work I had to turn off enforced driver signing.  



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I have just done a fresh install of build on x64, So far no issues, Speed is great but i only have a 50Mb DL / 3Mb UL cable line.


I have downloaded openvpn from https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html choosing Vista or later


Now i went to Client area > Config Genertor


Selected Windows > by continents (recommended) Europe for me) and downloaded them all in a zip file


Went to C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config (Yes even for 64bit) and copy and pasted my .ovpn files


Right clicked on OpenVPN in the taskbar and connected to a server


Happy days.

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I have to do this every time i start up my computer.

It's becomming very very annoying!

Is there no permanent fix?



1)This small batch file(see below) will ensure that the TAP-adapter will not disconnect.




ECHO Waiting for 300 seconds....

timeout /t 300

netsh interface ip set address tapadapter DHCP

netsh interface ip set address tapadapter DHCP

netsh int ip set dns name = "tapadapter" source = dhcp

ipconfig /all




2)After the connection has been established to AirVPN(UDP/TCP or OpenVPN over SSL/SSH) run the above file dhcp.tap.adapter.bat.

Run as Admin if elevation is required.



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For whatever reason it seems that the tap kills my AirVPN connection when I torrent sometimes; my data transfers torrent or otherwise slow to under 1bs and then cease, but does not disconnect.  I have the most recent version of Viscosity with the recommended Windows 10 tap. It's not a server issue because I can re-connect right away every time. Perhaps it's UDP flooding?  I've heard that downgrading the TAP won't do anything on Windows 10.

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I have a strange problem with OpenVpn, it says i'm connected properly to a dutch server and seems like i have a dutch ip but i cant access any sites blocked by my isp here in the uk.

When i use the AirVPN client i can.

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OK, I just upgraded my 32bit Win7 system to 64bit Win10 (fresh install) and I'm now getting a disconnect every time I try to run eMule. 


I've tried removing the TAP drivers in device manager and then letting the client reinstall them but the problem remains the same.


Basically, I can log in to AirVPN with the client and then connect to a recommended server.  The connection seems to stay stable with light surfing.  I've left the machine idle for up to an hour and the connections holds.


However, as soon as I start eMule and start to transfer files I get a 'Disconnecting' notification.

The client tries to reconnect to another server, I get the 'Connecting to xxxxxxxxxx' notification.

Then I get a notification 'Authorization check failed, continue anyway' notification.

It then appears to connect to another server but there's no data transfer, I then usually get another diconnect .....  ad-infinitum.


If I try to logout generally nothing happens.  If I close the client then it appears to close OK but then my main internet connection is non-functional and I have to reboot my machine to get connectivity back.


I did have issues with the client and Win7 but changing the TAP drivers to older ones worked in that case.


I saved the log file, here's a relevant (I think) part:


! 2016.08.09 20:49:57 - Connected.
. 2016.08.09 20:49:57 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
. 2016.08.09 20:49:57 - OpenVpn Management > >INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVPN > [server] Inactivity timeout (--ping-restart), restarting
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVPN > SIGUSR1[soft,ping-restart] received, process restarting
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVPN > Restart pause, 2 second(s)
! 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - Disconnecting
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - Management - Send 'signal SIGTERM'
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: CMD 'signal SIGTERM'
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client disconnected
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVPN > Assertion failed at misc.c:779
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVPN > Exiting due to fatal error
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVpn Management > SUCCESS: signal SIGTERM thrown
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - OpenVpn Management > >FATAL:Assertion failed at misc.c:779
. 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - Connection terminated.
I 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - DNS of a network adapter restored to original settings (Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller)
I 2016.08.09 20:53:27 - DNS of a network adapter restored to original settings (TAP-Windows Adapter V9)
I 2016.08.09 20:53:30 - Checking authorization ...
W 2016.08.09 20:54:11 - Authorization check failed, continue anyway ({1])



Any ideas?

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