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Adding Port 1194 to the available ports

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why there is no 1194 port ? " default openvpn port "

I searched in the forum and found that earlier this year someone asked about that

and the staff said that they will add it soon

is there any ETA or plans to add 1194 ?

I have issues connecting in the available ports

I can connect to port 1194 perfectly , tried other vpn providers that use 1194 and I was able to connect perfectly..

so please consider adding 1194 to the available ports ..

Thank you

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Well, it's a double-edged sword. Listening on default OpenVPN ports makes it very easy for censorship parties

be 100% sure the host is running a VPN service. Did you try all the available ports? 53/80/443/2018.

I hard it find to believe that 80/443 are blocked, this would make such connection highly unusable for most of the internet.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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it's funny that my isp left 1994 open and blocked other ports

I was able to connect only via port 80 at TCP mode and it was keeping disconnecting every 15 minutes " TCP gives higher ping and lower speed "
I can connect to 1194 in UDP mode perfectly I tried some providers and only 1194 worked , but worked so good
Adding the Port 1194 really will help me and people that may be in my situation

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As zhang said if 53/80/443 were blocked the internet wouldn't function at all.


If an ISP is going to block vpn traffic the default ports are the first to get hit. The fact that your isp leaves them open tells me that they really don't care. Which also means they're most likely not blocking port 80 tcp vpn traffic. Its probably something in your local loop causing the port 80 tcp vpn issues, firewall, router or operating system.


Try UDP 80,UDP 53 or UDP 443.

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on my iOS I have a Firewall that blocks non-vpn traffic , maybe this is the cause ? the tweak is called VPNOnly 8

what I'm sure about 100% it's that Port 53 is blocked

I tried another provider which was using port 53 and tried it without any kill switch or firewall settings and it didn't work , tried AIRVPN also and didn't work
anyway , back in January Staff said they are going to implement port 1194 in the future , can anyone confirm if that is going to happen or have any ETA ? 
it was said by Staff " it's not a big issue, we will implement it in the near future." if it's not a big problem to be done and can be easily done please consider this

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If VPNOnly blocks all but the default openvpn ports that's the culprit.


Port 53 is for dns resolution. If it was blocked globally 0 domains would load.
Its possible they block vpn traffic on port 53, but its seems unlikely considering they don't block or throttle the default openvpn ports.

So unless your isp is straight up short bus my guess is they're not blocking anything. The issues are probably from VPNOnly, router/firewall settings or some other iOS oddity.


I have no idea @ air adding the default ports. If you don't hear back via this thread try submitting a support ticket.

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yeah what i mean that my isp blocking vpn traffic through port 53

i tried connecting via port 53 in windows 10 & osx elcapitan and it didn't work

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the problem is that i don't want any traffic to go when vpn disconnect or not enabled

​anyway thank you , I opened a support ticket and will wait for the support team respond

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Have you tried with IP servers instead of names with openvpn config files?, and with tcp 443?

If port 53 is blocked...

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