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Hi all,


first of all I'd like to say a huge thank you to AirVpn ....as a non-tech newbie ,the  Eddy client installation, & setup and support has been terriffic....such a contrast to other providers,...BUT,


where's the wiki ?........the how to section of the forums is great, but the articles seem to be for very specific areas.....and trolling thro' forums  can be a frustrating experienc if you don' know what to search for  


....good  (ie. well organised/easily searchable/accurate ).wikis have allways struck me as brilliant places for self help, as well as places where different talents and skillsets can contribute and engender the community. It also seems to me that a wiki would  lessen the workload on staff, by reducing the number of support tickets, and leverage the efforts of those members who actively answer forum posts.


So at this point either :           1/ someone is going to point out the huge ,flashing button that I've missed,

           or,                                 2/someone is going to say "great idea...why don't YOU  start us off "



if 1/..................many thanks and the greatest apologies for being such an old fart 


if 2/..................yes, I will , contribute, (don't hold your breath, my typing skills are atrocious)


awaiting ridicule,



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Stop writing Old Fart ffs, lots of us are, who cares? I wrote millions of lines of code in my time, who cares?.. not many, including me. Keep the brain marbles rolling pal.

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@MeAndroid....noted, but read on,


@zhang.....LMFAO.......then I pressed the button......& all I can find is download page and air's pr stuff.........so either  the marbles have rolled completely off the table, or you're winding me up............and the sad thing is I don't know which          .....really




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Are you serious?

There are dozens of guides for almost any device in the world.


Which is more 'usable' than a Wiki at this point, since it is integrated as pinned board topics. So that means you can use the search button once, and in case

you don't find a guide for your OS (Which is impossible, unless you run something exotic like Solaris/HP-UX) you can open a thread and someone will usually help.


You do see that Eddie available only for desktops. Then under that, you have guides for manual OpenVPN setup - which is less recommended for novice users.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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.....and trolling thro' forums  can be a frustrating experienc if you don' know what to search for  




Searching a forum can indeed be a pain. The thing you need may have been posted long ago. And people who can answer questions get tired of answering the same questions over and over and providing links to past posts.




....good (ie. well organised/easily searchable/accurate ).wikis have allways struck me as brilliant places for self help, as well as places where different talents and skillsets can contribute and engender the community. It also seems to me that a wiki would lessen the workload on staff, by reducing the number of support tickets, and leverage the efforts of those members who actively answer forum posts.




Achieving a "good" wiki is far from trivial. The amount of effort that has to go into moderating and resolving conflicts between would-be editors can be huge. Who would do this? Staff? They would also now have another substantial piece of installed software with a database to maintain.




I have written quite a lot of stuff in the forum here. Look in the How-To section for may main contribution. But I am not sure that I would rush now to recast it all. Especially since the syntax for Wikis can be a lot different than bulletin board code, which can already vary a lot from one forum to another. The main post I made here I had earlier posted on another forum (on a private tracker site), that disappeared. And it needed a lot of massaging.


While AirVPN is a great service, it is still a private enterprise. Which could one day be gone. What would then happen to the Wiki? Would AirVPN or any VPN provider's wiki be a wise place for would-be wiki writers to invest their effort? Also, a lot of the guides and posts here are not specific to AirVPN. Or to their client program. It might be better to put them somewhere else. Such as github, and point to those rather than to very old forum posts.


I suspect that staff have thought about all of this, and decided that it could be an expensive waste of their time and resources.

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Hi all,


first of all I'd like to say a huge thank you to AirVpn ....as a non-tech newbie ,the Eddy client installation, & setup and support has been terriffic....such a contrast to other providers,...BUT,


where's the wiki ?........the how to section of the forums is great, but the articles seem to be for very specific areas.....and trolling thro' forums can be a frustrating experienc if you don' know what to search for


....good (ie. well organised/easily searchable/accurate ).wikis have allways struck me as brilliant places for self help, as well as places where different talents and skillsets can contribute and engender the community. It also seems to me that a wiki would lessen the workload on staff, by reducing the number of support tickets, and leverage the efforts of those members who actively answer forum posts.


So at this point either : 1/ someone is going to point out the huge ,flashing button that I've missed,

or, 2/someone is going to say "great idea...why don't YOU start us off "



if 1/..................many thanks and the greatest apologies for being such an old fart


if 2/..................yes, I will , contribute, (don't hold your breath, my typing skills are atrocious)


awaiting ridicule,



Everything is fine as it is and you know it.


In fact you aren't here to help at all... Remember the edit wars? I do. They are still going on. What are you really after?


Sent from my LGL22C using Tapatalk

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