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I can`t find options for Access without our client

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Hello , i just signed up today , and now when i tired to go to Access Without Our Client tab , i found no modes available , what seem the problem to be ?

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Hello , i just signed up today , and now when i tired to go to Access Without Our Client tab , i found no modes available , what seem the problem to be ?


Our configuration/certificates generator works only for premium members. You need to subscribe to access the VPN servers.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Kind regards

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So this means that Linux users cannot access the free eval service? (there is no client available and cannot connect with openVPN)

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So this means that Linux users cannot access the free eval service? (there is no client available and cannot connect with openVPN)


Of course they can. A "trial account" is just a label, "trial accounts" are full premium accounts for 4 days, there's absolutely no difference. Linux users can use OpenVPN directly or any OpenVPN GUI they like.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Kind regards

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??? OK I requested free trial, as invited when I registered > 48 hrs ago - my status is "Free Member", can set forwarded ports but cannot "Access without our client" but need to as on Linux??? thx

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??? OK I requested free trial, as invited when I registered > 48 hrs ago - my status is "Free Member", can set forwarded ports but cannot "Access without our client" but need to as on Linux??? thx


If you have asked for a trial, you should have received a code and the instructions on how to use it in order to activate your account to premium status. Your account is currently and correctly on "Free member" since you did not follow the procedure. If you have not received the instructions, please do not hesitate to contact us (menu "Support"->"Contact us"). You need a valid e-mail address to receive code and instructions.

Kind regards

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