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Using Tor client to tunnel through AirVPN

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Suppose I download Tor client for Windows from Tor's official website.

Next I launch AirVPN. When connected, can I launch Tor so that it tunnels through AirVPN?

What would the result be? The destination IP will be that of AirVPN or that of Tor?

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Suppose I download Tor client for Windows from Tor's official website.

Next I launch AirVPN. When connected, can I launch Tor so that it tunnels through AirVPN?

What would the result be? The destination IP will be that of AirVPN or that of Tor?


If you do so, you will have TOR over AirVPN. You will be visible on the Internet with the final TOR exit-node IP address when you use a browser proxied to TOR. Air server will be able to see your real IP and TOR nodes will see the Air server exit-IP address. Traffic through TOR nodes will be already decrypted by our servers.

For a different setup, consider AirVPN over TOR:


In this case, Air server will not be able to see your real IP address, but will see the IP address of the TOR relay. TOR node you connect to (OpenVPN over SOCKS or over http proxy) will see your real IP address but all TOR nodes will see packets encrypted by OpenVPN. You will be visible on the Internet with the Air server exit-IP address.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Kind regards

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Traffic through TOR nodes will be already decrypted by our servers.

What do you mean by "traffic"? Do you mean the contents of the message? Tor both encrypts and decrypts "traffic" sent through its servers/nodes. This information is obtained from Tor's official website.

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Traffic through TOR nodes will be already decrypted by our servers.

What do you mean by "traffic"? Do you mean the contents of the message? Tor both encrypts and decrypts "traffic" sent through its servers/nodes. This information is obtained from Tor's official website.


"Traffic" is meant as the total amount of packets, including contents of messages. In the case of TOR over AirVPN, a malicious TOR node can see your traffic (unless you further encrypt it) because when the packets get out of our servers they are no more encrypted by OpenVPN, obviously. Anyway any TOR node will not be able to see your real IP (in the worst case, it will see the exit-IP of the Air server you're connected to).

TOR over Air and Air over TOR therefore provide very different scenarios. Pick the one that is most suitable for your security needs.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Kind regards

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Perhaps you could suggest for me what I should do. I am not at all fussed about whether it's Tor over AirVPN or AirVPN over Tor.

What I wish to do is the following:

(a) The recipient of my emails or messages should not be able to trace back to me through my real IP address

( the VPN service provider should not be able to know that I send messages or emails to the recipient

Given the above two conditions, which would be preferable: Tor over VPN or VPN over Tor?

From what I can understand from my chats with Tor users on their IRC channel, I first connect to my VPN service provider through a TCP connection, as Tor currently does not work over UDP connections. I now have an encrypted connection.

While still maintaining the encrypted connection, I launch Tor. In effect I am now tunneling Tor through the encrypted VPN connection. An analogy: imagine the VPN connection is like a pipe. Inside it, I insert another pipe, which is Tor.

Whatever traffic is going out of my PC is traveling on Tor, am I right?

If my ISP is monitoring my traffic, they can only see my encrypted connection with my VPN service provider, not the Tor connection, am I right?

On my recipient's side, if his ISP is monitoring his traffic, his ISP can only see Tor's IP, not the IP of my VPN service provider, am I right?

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Given the above two conditions, which would be preferable: Tor over VPN or VPN over Tor?

Simply running Tor over VPN is fine. But don't use regular e-mail if you can help it. Instead, use this site within Tor Browser to send completely anonymous e-mails:


And have someone use this site (they have a hidden Tor address as well) to send you completely anonymous messages in secret:


Both of your concerns are completely addressed by doing things in this way. And I think it goes without saying, please use these services responsibly.

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