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IPLEAK Down? Or is it just me? No DNS detection resolution

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I hunted around to see if someone else had beat me to the punch on this but I saw nothing to answer to question: Is IPLEAKS down/undergoing maintenance/ etc? The page will load -though it seems to take an inordinate amount of time to do so - and Ip leak detection works, as does the "middle" WebRTC leak detection, but the DNS address detection never resolves nor does it seem to be trying to. (see screen cap) I'm getting a green light at DNSLeakTest.com and DNSLeak.com respectively so I'm not terribly worried, but I've come to trust IPLEAK and would like to know if it's the site or on my end. Any help appreciated, Thanx! 

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Thanx for replying. And yeah, me too; it nailed my AirVPN IP address but like I said in my OP it's the DNS address detection that won't resolve. Did you get all 3? I.e.: 1) "Web IP address," 2) Web IP address - WebRTC detection," AND 3) "DNS address address detection?" 

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same here, no IP displayed under "DNS address address detection?" since one hour.


This is supposed to display the same IP as for the first field "Your IP Address" so that we are sure "the system is not leaking DNS requests"

but now nothing.


As for the second field "Your IP address - WebRTC detection" it only displays yes.pngNo leak, RTCPeerConnection not available. If you see an IP there you might have an issue of WebRTC leaks.

I am using Firefox.


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Ok, good, so it's not just me then. Good to know. Also, In*the*Air, I do show an IP address in the 2nd - "WebRTC" - field, but it's the same as the 1st AirVPN IP so that should be ok, yes? 

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I am surprised that the same webpage displays differently, I think if it is the same IP then it should be OK.


Are you using Firefox? Did you "Type about:config” in the address bar. Scroll down to “media.peerconnection.enabled”, double click to set it to false"


If you are using chrome no solution exists yet to avoid webRTC leak so better to use the latest version of Firefox and make the change in the page about:config



There is another thread on this topic, https://airvpn.org/topic/14740-airdnsorg-dns-lookup-failure/

so we are not the only ones to see it, on ubuntu and OPENVPN for windows they cannot connect

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Hi again. To answer your question; yes, I am in Chrome and though you are correct that one cannot as yet disable WebRTC in Chrome it is possible to force all WebRTC traffic through a default route and therefore through the tunnel. (see attached.) I have "passed" WebRTC leak detection with flying colors ever since effecting this edit:



 With the Stable release of Chrome version 42, you are able to disable multiple routes, which ensures all WebRTC traffic is forced through the default route. This gives VPN users a way to force WebRTC traffic through their VPN. Note that this is a first step, and we expect to refine this solution in the future.


I have not yet found a flag to easily enable this feature, but by editing the preferences file, you can achieve this.


Simply, close Chrome and navigate to:

C:\Users\USER PROFILE\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

and open the file Preferences in Notepad.


At the bottom of this file, before the closing "}" copy and paste in:

   "webrtc": {

      "multiple_routes_enabled": false



Once completed, the end of your Preferences file should look like this:

   "webrtc": {

      "multiple_routes_enabled": false




Remember to keep the closing "}" of the entire Preferences file.


This method has been confirmed working for me using ipleak.net

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