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[Release][Opensource] Show IP and country flag in tray icon

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This software shows the IP and country flag in tray icon. At launch and every time the network gets changed (availability or new address).

​This is useful for those who are not using the AirVPN Client (for example when you entered your VPN in your router) but still want to be able to quickly see if the VPN is active.

It's poorly written in VB.NET. You can polish it if you want.

​Runs in windows computer only.

​You need .NET framework 4.5 or higher to use this software and Visual Studio 2013 or higher to compile the source code. Please see 'LICENSE.TXT' as this software uses third party icons.




+ Uses MaxMind Geo2IP OFFLINE database to resolve the country. Please take care of the updated license.txt about thirdparties. For updates of the database visit http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/

+ Added a close button to context menu

+ Left click on icon shows current IP and country

! Network change event was not fired when for example vmware network adapters are installed. It has been replaced by a timer checking every 2 seconds of network adapter changes.

- Removed whatismyipadress, removed ip2country


Due to AirVPN file size restriction you need to download the 1.1 executable from an external site (or download the source from here and compile it by yourself):


MD5: 6EB04D609FDB256D97E92C7305A9B9D5
SHA-1: EEAE81144A01DB444B34A6B919557D46DBFEF27B




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I'm not on Windows so I can't really use or contribute to this, but, I like the idea!

Three suggestions - I'm just brainstorming, either for you or anyone else wanting to add "polish":


1. Tell the user what sites you use to get the information - I know, it's in the source, but a README.txt would be nicer

Another reliable site is wtfismyip.com, offering xml and json


2. If you plan on making and releasing any changes, think about putting it on some code platform like github


3. Another idea would be to use Air's API (either additionally or exclusively), to let the user check info on all of their current sessions

all of my content is released under CC-BY-SA 2.0

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Mainly it gathers information from:




it will return the public IP and country. Based on t his information it sets the flag/icon in tray list.

If it fails it fall back to http://ipinfo.io/ip and it it falls too then it takes http://bot.whatismyipaddress.com


The API would require the user to setup an API key. And then I have to check which device is the current. I think it's, based on the current feature list, too much work.

Checking sessions and such isn't what this tool has been made for. It only shows the public IP quickly and with the flags you need 1 second to see if you are on VPN.

Because I don't  use the Airvpn client anymore and set my VPN on my router, I still being nervous that I accidently (if connection fails on router) be online with my real IP address and so I created this tool.

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I'm not on windows either but it is a cool idea.


Something that might be worth checking out is a firefox addon called flagfox.

It checks the country the site/server is in then tosses up a flag based on the location.


But it gets its data locally so there's no outbound look-ups required. I'm unsure if you're app does local or remote look ups, or if it could even function like this. But it might give you some ideas.


-cool app gl with it m8.

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<lookup><ip></ip><hostname>tb62-102-148-185.cust.teknikbyran.com</hostname><country_code>RU</country_code><country_name>Russian Federation</country_name></lookup>


Too bad their IP database is about 2 years old.


Why don't you query some more reputable service like Maxmind?



Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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