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Robust, friendly way to Route Inside/Outside Tunnel?

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Hello folks,


I have setup my Netgear R6250 with DD-WRT, and OpenVPN connecting to AirVPN.  This is all well and good, but now I'd like to somehow be able to choose which traffic is inside or outside the tunnel, either by source IP/subnet, port, destination host, or some other way.  A GUI to accomplish this would be wonderful, but not essential.  I am open to adding additional devices to perform such functions if that's necessary.


I've read many (many many) myriad forum posts and wikis offering differing, conflicting ways to accomplish this using DNSMasq, iptables, Policy based routing, Source based routing, pfSense, and apple pie (I made one of these up).  I think much of this is due to the various versions of dd-wrt available, the wonderful various options available to the power user to configure the way they want it, and that there's several different approaches that may or may not work on any given hardware.  What that equals for me is confusion.


Its my intention to set this up, and document the process in a way that's easy to follow, and add my own experiences to those already floating on the intertubes.


Ideally I'd accomplish it with just some dd-wrt trickery.  So far the solutions I've found have been written with a specific setup in mind that I'm unable to adapt to my setup, or they just didn't work (or I didn't understand them).  It'd be great if we can talk through it together, and rejoice together in our shared insight and accomplishment.

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Services/openvpn policy based routing add there your device ips 1 per line which should use vpn all Others use your isp


Then Test it ipleak.net

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There are many productive topics out there on the DD-WRT forums, like this one:



However, don't expect advanced flexible routing (based on ports or protocols) like in pfSense, for example.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Hello folks,


I have setup my Netgear R6250 with DD-WRT, and OpenVPN connecting to AirVPN.  This is all well and good, but now I'd like to somehow be able to choose which traffic is inside or outside the tunnel, either by source IP/subnet, port, destination host, or some other way.  A GUI to accomplish this would be wonderful, but not essential.  I am open to adding additional devices to perform such functions if that's necessary.


I've read many (many many) myriad forum posts and wikis offering differing, conflicting ways to accomplish this using DNSMasq, iptables, Policy based routing, Source based routing, pfSense, and apple pie (I made one of these up).  I think much of this is due to the various versions of dd-wrt available, the wonderful various options available to the power user to configure the way they want it, and that there's several different approaches that may or may not work on any given hardware.  What that equals for me is confusion.


Its my intention to set this up, and document the process in a way that's easy to follow, and add my own experiences to those already floating on the intertubes.


Ideally I'd accomplish it with just some dd-wrt trickery.  So far the solutions I've found have been written with a specific setup in mind that I'm unable to adapt to my setup, or they just didn't work (or I didn't understand them).  It'd be great if we can talk through it together, and rejoice together in our shared insight and accomplishment.


Please, please, please can you explain how you got AirVPN set up with DD-WRT. I've been trying to do this for the past few days with no success. I followed their guide on the AIrVPN website and it doesn't work. In some of their screenshots I see things look a bit different - so it may be outdated info, but I followed it nonetheless and I cannot figure out how to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Hello folks,


I have setup my Netgear R6250 with DD-WRT, and OpenVPN connecting to AirVPN.  This is all well and good, but now I'd like to somehow be able to choose which traffic is inside or outside the tunnel, either by source IP/subnet, port, destination host, or some other way.  A GUI to accomplish this would be wonderful, but not essential.  I am open to adding additional devices to perform such functions if that's necessary.


I've read many (many many) myriad forum posts and wikis offering differing, conflicting ways to accomplish this using DNSMasq, iptables, Policy based routing, Source based routing, pfSense, and apple pie (I made one of these up).  I think much of this is due to the various versions of dd-wrt available, the wonderful various options available to the power user to configure the way they want it, and that there's several different approaches that may or may not work on any given hardware.  What that equals for me is confusion.


Its my intention to set this up, and document the process in a way that's easy to follow, and add my own experiences to those already floating on the intertubes.


Ideally I'd accomplish it with just some dd-wrt trickery.  So far the solutions I've found have been written with a specific setup in mind that I'm unable to adapt to my setup, or they just didn't work (or I didn't understand them).  It'd be great if we can talk through it together, and rejoice together in our shared insight and accomplishment.


Please, please, please can you explain how you got AirVPN set up with DD-WRT. I've been trying to do this for the past few days with no success. I followed their guide on the AIrVPN website and it doesn't work. In some of their screenshots I see things look a bit different - so it may be outdated info, but I followed it nonetheless and I cannot figure out how to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


Just to update for people in the future - all I needed to do was update my DD-WRT build (firmware), some of the older builds do not include all the options that you see in the AirVPN DD-WRT guide. So if you are not seeing all the config required, look for a newer build.

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