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ANSWERED Using Tor With AirVPN Without Client?

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I'm currently generating configs each time I use AirVPN because I am unable to setup a client on my system (Linux-Arch). I also use Tor from time to time, I also would like to say that I do not use the Tor Browser Bundle but just Tor with firefox config changed for when I use it. I can't get Tor to work with AirVPN and I'm wondering if there is a fix for this just for when I need to use both of them together. (Maybe a config set up just for Tor and AirVPN?)


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OpenVPN over Tor mode "works ONLY with AirVPN Client, because our software talks to Tor Control to detect and route correctly the guard(s) IP addresses. Otherwise an infinite connection loop occurs because communication between Tor and the guard node (the first node of each circuit) will fall back to the VPN (causing errors like Inactivity timeout, recv_socks_reply: TCP port read timeout expired: Operation now in progress, Assertion failed at misc.c:785)." (from https://airvpn.org/tor ).


You should mimic the Air client behavior or you can connect Tor over OpenVPN, which is a configuration that's capable to provide a strong anonymity layer. In this case you just need to connect to a VPN server and then use Tor. All the applications using Tor will have their traffic tunneled over Tor over OpenVPN.


Kind regards

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So you want to connect to AirVPN over Tor? So Tor is already runnning, and then the connection to AirVPN is made over a Tor circuit? Your post was a bit unclear to me. But that seems to be how staff took it.


You can address this issue by using "OutboundBindAddress" configuration parameter of the Tor SOCKS server to ensure it uses the real IP interface:




That post is about a year and a half old now. The organization of the Tor Browser bundle has changed quite a bit. But hopefully that points the way.

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