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i followed the pfsense guide and was able to successfully get pfsense working.

i now have 3 questions . .. .


1. when i choose my server, why is it recommended to do so by country instead of a specific server? maybe it's my imagination, but things seem quicker and with fewer geo-location problems when i stick with one server.


2. is the pc client the best way to pick out the fastest server?

when i look at the availabe choices, should i be looking at the number of stars or latency or load?

on my pc, there are no stars given for the us servers.


3. i was using sirius, but when it went down i had to choose another. 

instead of resetting everything and starting from step 1 of the guide to redo the whole process, what are the steps to follow when i want to change from one server to another?



thank you.

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thanks for the response.

i don't really know how to re-import that file. 

when i set it up originally, i had to cut and paste the individual certificates and ip address and port into pfsense.


does that mean i can just cut and paste the new certificates etc. and enter the new ip address into part 3 of the guide?

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