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I had the same problem as OP.


Some more data that my help solve the issue :


I'm running an Ubuntu derivative.

I've been using a simple "sudo openvpn Airvpn_<server>.ovpn" from the command line to connect to AirVPN for years now, without issue.

I had to change the usual servers I connect to (old ones, retired now) and the problems described by the OP appeared.


I installed AirVPN's client and couldn't replicate the issue (it was working as it should, using Air's DNS server)

I imported the config files in network-manager (the GUI in Ubuntu* for network management) and couldn't replicate the issue either.


This happens either from my private internet connection at home or from my work network. 


So now I'm using network-manager's GUI to connect to AirVPN. But I'd like to understand what I'm doing wrong from the command line.


Thanks !

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Had a similar problem as described by pfsensor, DNS leaks when using just "sudo openvpn AirVPN_<server>.ovpn" in ubuntu. But not with the airvpn client.


This post [1] described the issue and had a solution. Adding


script-security 2  up /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf  down /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf

to the ovpn file stopped the leaks for me.


[1] edited by staff - link removed (some wrong info, no ads allowed)


See instead our How-To https://airvpn.org/topic/9608-how-to-accept-dns-push-on-linux-systems-with-resolvconf/

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