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I'm a newly subscriber to AirVPN, I followed the guide to connect to AirVPN server with my Synology, so far so good

My question is the following, is it normal to have reduced speed when using AirVPN ?


I mean without AirVPN : 2.7 MB/s on Newsgroup

With AIrVPN, after trying different servers , max I could get was 2.3 MB/s


My upload is limited to 120KB/s in any case.


So it's not a drastic fall in download speed but still is it a normal speed with vpn ? I have another VPN and I get just a bit more about 2.4 MB/s


Any one with experience on synology noticed the same ? (The worst is when i activate some cloud sync while downloading without VPN it is 2.4 MB/s down and 120 KB/s up and with VPN 1.5 MB/s down and 120 KB/s up)

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I have not noticed any slowdown in my speeds while using AirVPN. However, it is not abnormal for people to experience minor slowdowns when using a VPN. That just comes with the territory. 

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You lose ~15% of your original speed. I consider 10% to be really good, 15% is still okay. You can be sure not to be throttled because you use OpenVPN.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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