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ANSWERED its possible that isp is filtering vpn?

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hi, im having this speed related problem, i tested almost every server and i got the same (little strange) speeds in all of them, when i tested my isp speed without vpn i got full speed, i cant surf not even trying to download anything, cause the top speed its around .5 mbps... i tested dns leak and it seems fine, so i dont know what else to do to speed up the vpn, the same in linux and windows, the same with airvpn client and with openvpn client... can someone gimme some ideas? thnx in advance!

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First of all please try different ports to compare the performance and gather more hints. In particular, try port 53 (in UDP) and 443 (in TCP) on different servers.


Kind regards

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ok, i been trying what u recommend, and i still have the same issue, also tried port 80, 53, 443, both udp and tcp, also tried with openvpn configs (config generator) and with your client, both linux and windows, the same very very slow speed, i think i might be doing something wrong, but with both OS's and with different clients, the same issue starts to sound weird... i hope u can help me fix this, i dont have a super fast connection (6mb down/1up) but at least some decent speed to surf would be great. thnx in advance and sorry for my english.

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Ok. Now try "OpenVPN over SSL". In Eddie click the "AirVPN" button, select "Preferences", click "Protocols" tab, select "SSL Tunnel - Port 443" and click "Save". Then connect to several, different servers and perform again tests.


Kind regards

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well i tried all options in your client both linux and windows, with all protocols, and i got the same speed in every server, 0.5, 0.8 down and up, so i think my isp is screwing me... any other options left? thnx a lot.

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Hi pelado,


Am asking this as I didn't see this mentioned earlier - What speeds are you getting when not using the VPN? Say downloading an ubuntu iso when not connected to a VPN as opposed to when connected to a VPN? I am assuming the download speeds are close to 6Mbps when not connected?


@Staff, If that is the case, even I am interested to know what options do we have to prove that the ISP is throttling the VPN. I thought that the recommended option for use in China (SSL Tunnel) would have overcome any nation's ISP throttling.


Additionally, these are two random suggestions I have received (that seemed to have had an affect)

   - Use Google/OpenDNS/AirVPN dns instead of your ISP's DNS

   - I once had speed issues irrespective of which VPN provider I used. The issue resolved itself after I reset the router at my home and flashed an older version of the router's firmware. I don't know why that worked or what the issue originally was. Simply throwing this out there

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Normally OpenVPN over SSL can get rid of traffic shaping, unless the ISP throttles https too, of course...



Make sure that no packet inspection tool is active either on your system or on your router.


Kind regards

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hi strideram, indeed without vpn im having close to full speed, i can also watch netflix in full hd, but when i tried bittorrent, or using vpn, everything goes to hell, i have dial up speeds...


so i dont know how to know what my isp is doing, for example now im having down speeds of 670k without vpn... if a connect to vpn it goes to hell...


@staff my system its only managed by me, so no packet inspection tool, my wifi router its flashed with ddwrt, so i think not, the only thing i cant tell its my isp modem (a motorola cablemodem).


what are the options left, beside changing isp... a dns leak could lead to this?? now im trying vpn and bittorrent, and tested dns leak and its negative...


ok this is weird... its 9am (usually working, never tested this hours) im in vpn port 2018, having speeds of 650k in bittorrent test, why the f..k at night, in every port and every server in every test i got 0.5k of speeds in vpn, and full speed without it, and now in the morning im getting this results? how is it possible to throttle that way? and how i can bypass it? or im going paranoically crazy? thnx in advance ppl!

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ok finally! i called my isp, they said they got an issue (?) and they gave me 2 month free, they told me the issue was solved, i tested, and it was the same, so i started trying to test without router, and my speeds went up, so i flashed my router, and changing all wifi config, and then all got solved... i have the speed according to my connection! thanks to everybody!

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