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ANSWERED Where can I find favorite server's IP and variations in orther to configure firewall to prevent leaks

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I have been configuring my firewall through UFW and GUFW following "Prevent leaks with Ubuntu Linux & gufw/ufw (thanks to worric)" at https://airvpn.org/topic/5586-prevent-leaks-with-linux-firestarter-also-stop-traffic-when-vpn-drops/?do=findComment&comment=5642

I have followed the instructions with success: incoming and outgoing traffic ok when tun0 is up, and all traffic denied when tun0 is down.


However It seems a server's IP address is not always the same as the one stated in the client area when connected, so when reconnecting firewall won't let out going traffic to a new IP address (which is correct).


Where can i find favorite server's IP address and variations?


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I have been configuring my firewall through UFW and GUFW following "Prevent leaks with Ubuntu Linux & gufw/ufw (thanks to worric)" at https://airvpn.org/topic/5586-prevent-leaks-with-linux-firestarter-also-stop-traffic-when-vpn-drops/?do=findComment&comment=5642


I have followed the instructions with success: incoming and outgoing traffic ok when tun0 is up, and all traffic denied when tun0 is down.


However It seems a server's IP address is not always the same as the one stated in the client area when connected, so when reconnecting firewall won't let out going traffic to a new IP address (which is correct).


Where can i find favorite server's IP address and variations?




Ok I did some searching within airvpn files generated and have my answers:

  1. I was confusing my public airvpn IP with the airvpn server's IP, its NOT the same.
  2. Sever IP can be found in its specific server.ovpn file generated to connect. If the file is opened with text editor (gedit or pluma, for example) one can find "remote xx.xx.xx.xx." where the xx are the servers IP.
  3. The IP is only available in server.ovpn files and NOT in continent.ovpn or country.ovpn files.

That's all.

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