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police took my hds

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Help airvpn

I use airvpn + - 1 years

a few weeks the police took my hard drives / flash drives

with the complaint that I downloaded something forbidden

airvpn entered some data User?  old thing is not yet wearing vpn

but all my hard drives / flash drives were encrypted

experts spoke that is easy April encrypted hard drives

is this true? is easy to open encrypted hard drives?

I should still continue to use airvpn? the police are now monitoring me
they can see what I do when I use airvpn? what they can see?

what should I do?



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we have never revealed any data of any user (and of course we can't give away information that we don't have), however that's not relevant since you say that it's an old thing from when you did not use a VPN. The account you're writing from is not subscribed to our service, but we assume that this is intentional to increase your privacy, and not just a message from a troll.


About your other question on encrypted drives, it depends on what encryption and program have been used to encrypt the media. If strong encryption and a good key were employed, and the adversary could not intercept (for example with a keylogger hidden in the computer) the key/password, then it's nearly impossible to decrypt in less than million of years.


About using a VPN, it's impossible to decrypt your data for adversaries monitoring your line, BUT you must keep in mind that a VPN protects your line, not your computer. If an adversary has installed spyware on your computers (and from what you say you MUST take into consideration this option) then the encryption on the line is irrelevant, because the adversary takes data directly from the computer, when they are not encrypted.


The above are just technical information, about your last question we think that you should contact a good lawyer (if you haven't already done so).


Kind regards

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Yes, I'm in another User account.

I already have a lawyer 

told me not to use the internet that I'm being monitored

the process is before I use airvpn

  all my hard drives were encrypted, failed to open
I found it strange

said I wore vpn, but it is easy to learn? care something? my provider
may even know that I use a vpn network?

what comes to be a strong encryption? which are the best programs?

is possible my ISP  something on my pc? or even the police
install something on my pc?

 I use firewall not detect anything?



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Well, unless you never accessed the VPN from your home, or always used Tor to connect to the VPN, then yes, your ISP can see that you connect to a VPN. They just can't know what you do through the VPN. There is also logging in to any service that knows your real identity, through the VPN, that could give away that you use one. For example, if you are a target, they obviously know your details. They can then go to your ISP, Email providers, bank, etc... and ask what IPs you have logged into their services from. You have a lawyer, so don't talk - it can never help...let your lawyer do all the talking.


Re: Encryption - Unless you used a really stupid passphrase, or they were able to get the key from covert malware, dumping memory on a live system, etc... they are blowing smoke that it is "easy" to crack for things like TrueCrypt or PGP. What encryption were you using? Were they able to get a running computer where the encryption was "mounted"?

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I will make this quite simple.  I am an accomplished encryption and security person, which is active on several forums.  If the police have had your computer in their physical possession (even if only for a few minutes) you have ONE realistic option.  Get rid of it, period.  Wipe the hard drive and then sell the computer to anyone.  If you don't do that, than throw it away.  NEVER do anything but assume that computer has been thoroughly compromised.  If you speak English you should watch the link I am throwing up.  Its a prominent lawyer explaining why YOU should never say one word to the police.  This applies EVEN for totally innocent people as well.


change the hxxp to http




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i am not speak Inglês, does not translate this video?

but true, the police said it was easy to open the encryption
but it was pissing me off saying it was worse if I do not speak the password, if I do not speak the password will complicate me

are not Obliged to tell me the password cuz my contry, no one is Obliged to
Provide evidence against himself,

but now i have doubts

When I testify que I talk to the judge or delegate?
I do not remember the password? the hds are not mine?

took my +- 20 hds and 4 all encrypted flash drives

veracrypt or with truecrypt

veracrypt or truecrypt best?

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