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I love AirVPN

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I just transferred from proxy dot sh to airVPN and I'm shocked how good you are. I had disconnects, my IP was banned on proxy.sh, but here I can do whatever I want and nothing is blocked. Everything is working well.

You're awesome!


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I have been struggling for 3 month testing VPN service providers, I don't have big needs but, still I had a lot of troubles. When it was not the speed, was leaking or services down and not to talk about the configuration painful experiences I had with these different providers I have been testing or promises that never came to be true. (I will not mention any because it is not in my natural person to bitch about anybody, even when I really have a lot of crap to talk about them)


Yesterday I ask AirVPN for a 3 days trial, this morning my coupon code was there waiting for me... It took me 10min to set it up (Yesterday I did a lot of reading on the forum and bookmark post covering my needs) and for the last past hour I've just been in shock about how smooth and flawlessly everything is working.


Maybe a bit too soon to talk but, just this first hour has been so good that I couldn't resist to say it...


Now I'm really looking forward to the next week when I will be getting a new router with tomato firmware to set up my network.


I can't be more honest saying THANK YOU!! it took more time to write this post than setting up your service...

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Here too. I'm very happy with airvpn. It's actually the first VPN service I have ever used. I was looking around for services, found some review-lists of vpn-providers, and was attracted to the more low profile honest explanation and background idea of airvpn. I merely use airvpn for some overall privacy while browsing. Getting connected was rather straightforward, even on linux (ubuntu). The connections are stable, the overall speed is more than satisfying. The tools provided are good. So yes, I'm very pleased and I will propably prolong my subsciption.


Good job!



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Signed up for a year with AirVPN and I'm very statisfied - top notch service and support!


Keep it up

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If it hadn't been for a couple collateral martyrs that had their personal information handed over through logs to authorities that demanded it, I would not have quickly realized simply paying for use of a virtual private network does not ensure privacy to an acceptable degree.


After some investigation, AirVPN was one of the few choices worth trying as their online presence came across as genuine and in it for the right reasons. Within the ~half-year I've been a customer they've been nothing but generous, courteous and helpful as well as their service -with minor exceptions- being a smooth operation which is still growing with their flagship integrity in mind.


Thank you AirVPN for your service in defense of net neutrality and freedom of speech!

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Generally, I have had excellent connectivity with AirVPN, and it is easy to use and to figure out how to use. 


It is much better than StrongVPN, that I used to have. 

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Hi all,

Ok,I'll chip in as well then.

After researching VPN providers for a few weeks I was lucky enough to discover AirVPN and their stated philosophy was what attracted me the most. The reasonable charges helped make my mind up as well

After a few technical hitches,which is what you should expect when trying any new tech out,I am very happy here regarding both the service itself and the speed and manner with which any enquiries I've made on the forum have been answered.

Top marks all around and it is very nice to be where people who think as I do and care for the same things are gathered.

I do hope the world of government will remember how it came to be and re-take a position where an individuals rights are paramount but until that happens I have to take measures to protect my own online privacy and I am grateful to AirVPN for allowing me to do so.

Thank you AirVPN and keep up the good work.

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I love it too


It's my first try with a VPN and i head read that speeds would suck, but when i choose a server in a neighboring country i get great speeds, even with P2P.


Only about 5% drop from my actual broadband speed without the VPN.


Happy happy happy

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Hey while we're all gushing about AirVPN, here is another reason to love it.  If you travel abroad (I'm in Japan at the moment) and then access your paypal account, they can freeze your account for no reason for months or years, because signing in from a foreign country is suspicious.  LOL!  Don't forget to never trust paypal with more than a few hundred dollars at a time.

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I completely agree that this is by far the best VPN service out there. I have recommended this service to everyone I know. Many of them have made the jump and got the service. I'm glad to tell people about this service.


It seems a lot of people have problems using airvpn over tor but it is quite easy.


Change Airvpn preferences by right clicking on the tray icon at the lower right hand corner and selecting preferences. Choose socks in the drop down box and the settings are already there as far as port information.


Now connect to Tor. While Vidalia is open login to Airvpn select whichever server you like now click the mode tab and select 443 TCP then connect. That's it. Some servers may give problems and Tor may run slow but that's how to do it.


I usually just connect to Airvpn then open Tor, but for crucial anonymity the above works well.

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Okay, this might sound kinda nerdy... but one of the reasons I picked AirVPN was their AWESOME STATUS SCREEN!  I mean, that has GOT to be the coolest DASHBOARD EVER!!!


Now, if we could just get a program for Linux that shows that, and lets you click on the one you want to connect to.  I could even be tempted to write it!

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I tried 3 VPN s simultaniously, All OK, but AIR is the best!

Short learning curve for Linux, and now it s perfect.

Will renew for a year, and recomend to everyone I know.Grazie mille AirVPN!

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Other than the fact that there can be only one connection at a time, this vpn is great. Glad I bought a subsription.

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I tried air vpn for three months and was very pleased with it but forgot to renew and after 20 days without it was missing it so 6 more months from me 5 euro a month it is a bargain.


Glad to be  back in here and away from all those nosey people for another 6 months.


Never even  thought of looking for a different vpn service was always coming back here.


Was only one thing that dissapointed me was signing up for a bitcoin service and all the ips had already been used on it but the early bird gets the worm as they say

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Greetings everybody,


I have now tried Air VPN for 30 days and no problems at all.  The last 1 1/2 years I used the VPN through my Seedbox provider but gave that up for awhile.  Like the fact we have many servers to choose from and although the speeds have been slower than my ISP provider provides, very acceptable. Keep up the great work. 

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It is my first VPN, I'm not a IT expert but still it was incredibly easy for me to use AirVPN on Ubuntu and Windows, great! It's a shame that windows phones (Lumia for instance) do not provide a VPN connection at all, it will be really good for my job, but of course this is not AirVPN fault. The price is more than acceptable for the service and I have no issues with the connection speed or anything else.
Keep up guys (oh, now I can see youtube music videos, goodbye stupid GEMA-not-letting-play-videos-uploaded-by-the-singers-just-in-Germany).
Finally, can I be proud AirVPN is based in Italy? 

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I have tested much VPN Service but Air VPN is incredible good. I've been here for almost a year and I haven`t got any problems. And the best: I can connect over Tor, SSH or Proxy.

I use it all and it never comes to problems. NEVER.

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When I found Air, it wasn't by accident. I have been using a VPN for years. Once I realized that even with a VPN in place your privacy and security were still entirely at risk, I went looking for a change. After testing 6 different VPN services, the next one on my list was AirVPN. Once I read through the forums and read the Privacy Notice, Terms of Service and the About; I was sold. Air is the only service that seemed truly sincere about Net Neutrality. I quickly increased my subscription to nearly 2 years without hesitation. 


And, as an added plus, they are willing to help no matter weather the issue is with the VPN or not, and they do it politely which is nearly never the case with other services. Most services immediately try to find reason to blame you or YOUR setup. Not AirVPN, they just try and help; period, and for that reason, their support team are some of the best out there.


This is a business like no other because they are in business for the RIGHT reasons; not just for the MONEY!


------- Thank you Air ---------


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What I like about AirVPN:

Once I solved some initial problems, it was easy to use.

AirVPN accepts BITCOIN, which is nice, since it is easier for me to spend my bitcoin than screw around with a credit card.

AirVPN works on my iPad, iPhone and computers easily.

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