Checked my connection speed. Was very fast, so much faster than I had ever seen at AirVPN, which usually means I was being exposed online. Sure enough when landing on Your IP: was in the dreaded red font! Asus Merlin Blown up Again 082222 Checked my Status At, Your IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (exposed red type ip4) Updated to RT-AC68U_386.7.trx (didnÕt Fix anything), rebooted re-upped openvpn files. Then Updated to RT-AC68U_386.7_2.trx (didnÕt Fix anything) rebooted re-upped openvpn files. Uploads from none would upload. Uploads from worked. Aka RT-AC68U_386.7_2.trx After uploading went to avpn-config mgr and output 4x airvpn openvpn files. Removed last space and return spaces in text edit or keys certs. *AirVPN_US-Atlanta-Georgia_Sculptor_UDP-443.ovpn AirVPN_US-Dallas-Texas_Volans_UDP-443.ovpn AirVPN_US-Miami_Yildun_UDP-443.ovpn AirVPN_US-Phoenix-Arizona_Phoenix_UDP-443.ovpn Last time it blew up (2 months ago), it would not run before editing the 2x trailing characters, took me a couple of days to figure that one out. Saving my thread to Doc file. Last time it blew up, this is the fourth time IÕve had issues where the Asus router was exposing my IP address. Blowing up all by its o Lonesome. The Green ŌService stateĶ slider button, under the VPN>VPN Client tab does not turn on to start the software (Error - check configuration!). Changed permissions on opevpn config file before upload, still does not keep changes or does not recognize airvpn servers* from various files DL from my client backend. Need advice on how to get it backup? Love having countless hours wasted. FYI Just updated Firestick (any coincidences). DB This should be a lot easier. Could be, or avpn-config mgr and output putting wrong invalid character somewhere. 082222 at 10:25PM CDT --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--