. 2022.08.11 21:42:17 - Eddie version: 2.21.8 / linux_x64, System: Linux, Name: Linux Mint, Version: 21 (Vanessa), Mono/.Net: (Debian Wed Jun 30 05:34:49 UTC 2021); Framework: v4.0.30319 . 2022.08.11 21:42:17 - Command line arguments (2): path.resources="/usr/share/eddie-ui" path.exec="/usr/bin/eddie-ui" . 2022.08.11 21:42:17 - Raise system privileges . 2022.08.11 21:42:21 - Reading options from /home/rob/.config/eddie/default.profile . 2022.08.11 21:42:22 - OpenVPN - Version: 2.5.5 - OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022, LZO 2.10 (/usr/sbin/openvpn) . 2022.08.11 21:42:22 - SSH - Version: OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3, OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022 (/usr/bin/ssh) . 2022.08.11 21:42:22 - SSL - Version: Initializing (/usr/bin/stunnel4) . 2022.08.11 21:42:22 - curl - Version: 7.81.0 (/usr/bin/curl) I 2022.08.11 21:42:23 - Ready . 2022.08.11 21:42:23 - Collect information about AirVPN completed I 2022.08.11 21:42:24 - Session starting. . 2022.08.11 21:42:24 - Waiting for latency tests (240 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:24 - Collect information about AirVPN completed . 2022.08.11 21:42:25 - Waiting for latency tests (231 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:26 - Waiting for latency tests (199 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:27 - Waiting for latency tests (181 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:28 - Waiting for latency tests (161 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:29 - Waiting for latency tests (140 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:30 - Waiting for latency tests (124 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:31 - Waiting for latency tests (99 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:32 - Waiting for latency tests (85 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:33 - Waiting for latency tests (68 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:34 - Waiting for latency tests (49 to go) . 2022.08.11 21:42:35 - Waiting for latency tests (47 to go)